Foods To Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth

Foods To Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth

White Diet

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Most dentists perform tooth whitening.

Whitening is not a one-time procedure. It will need to be repeated from time to time if you want to maintain a brighter color.

One piece of advice to maintain a bright white smile after teeth whitening is to watch what you eat and drink. Certain foods and beverages can discolor teeth. If you want to protect your pearly white teeth, here is a list of foods you should avoid.

  • Coffee – we understand that this may be a hard one to cut out entirely. If you need some to get through the day, then add milk to help reduce the staining effect. Also, limit the amount you drink to no more than two cups as studies show staining increases the more cups you drink.
  • Tea – dark tea is actually worse for your teeth’s color than coffee. Again, if you can’t fight the craving then follow the same advice as above.
  • Wine – red wine’s acidity and dark colors make it a high-risk drink. While white wine can’t stain your teeth itself, the acidity weakens your enamel increasing your vulnerability to other staining foods.
  • Fizzy Drinks – acidic and full of coloring, avoid these drinks entirely if possible.
  • Fruit Juices – avoid these drinks because of their high acidity.
  • Sweets and Chocolate – think of the color of your tongue after eating some sweets. Your teeth are at risk from staining in the exact same way.
  • Pasta Sauce – Because of their acidity, bright red hue and tendency to cling to the teeth, the tomatoes in pasta sauce can leave your teeth vulnerable to staining. Dine on some dark green veggies, such as broccoli, kale, and spinach, beforehand to create a protective film over the teeth. The film will ward off tomatoes' staining effect, so spring for a green salad as an appetizer.
  • Curry –  Its deep pigmentation can yellow teeth over time. Due to its high staining factor, curry is something you may want to limit in your diet. Whenever you dine on curry-spiced food, mix in fresh fruits and vegetables that prevent stains, such as apples, carrots, cauliflower, and celery.
  • Balsamic vinegar – It is a healthy salad dressing, but it can also darken your teeth. Its dark natural color sticks to your teeth, which can lead to staining if it's not quickly brushed away. You don't have to give up on this light salad dressing. Whenever you have a salad with balsamic vinegar, be sure to include a crunchy lettuce; chewing the lettuce will help clean the staining balsamic vinegar from your teeth as you eat.
  • Berries – They provide health benefits, such as antioxidants, but they also have the potential to stain your teeth. The deep hue in blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries, in particular, can cause staining, regardless of whether they are eaten whole, drunk as juice or processed as jelly and jam. Don't let them linger in your mouth for too long, and drink water to combat their staining effect. Finish with a glass of milk or a serving of hard cheese, both of which neutralize acid and strengthen teeth.

A healthy diet and a change of habits can prevent tooth stains and preserve your pristine smile. The white diet is not too hard to follow and is only necessary for the first 48 hours after your teeth whitening treatment. Enjoy your favorite foods, but use caution. 

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